
What does Luscinia do?

  1. Archive your recordings in a database. Luscinia allows you to organise field recordings according to species, population, individual and location, and to keep essential metadata (e.g. recording equipment) associated with your recording. Databases are set up very easily (no additional downloads required) and can either be only accessed locally, or accessed over a network, so that multiple collaborators can contribute to the same project. Luscinia can use

  2. View spectrograms. Luscinia provides a fully featured spectrogram view of sounds. The appearance of spectrograms (fonts, tick-marks and other details) can be modified to make spectrograms suitable for publication. Dereverberation, high-pass filter and noise removal algorithms are specifically designed for working with field recordings. Sound playback (at different speeds), and an advanced pitch view (showing the fundamental frequency, and suitable for harmonically structured signals) are also provided.

  3. Measure recordings. Luscinia provides a flexible method to measure the elements of biological signals, which can either be almost completely automated, or fully manual. This maximises efficiency, allowing you to process good recordings rapidly, but also allowing you to precisely select and measure noisier recordings. For each measured element, 15 different acoustic parameters are measured at each time slice in the spectrogram, and all this information is stored in the database. The principle here is: measure once, and re-use.

  4. Analyse recordings. Sets of measured recordings can be compared using different techniques (including dynamic time-warping). The results can be statistically analysed using MDS ordination, hierarchical and k-medoids clustering, syntactical analysis, geographic analysis and more. Summary statistics of recordings (e.g. element length, maximum fundamental frequency, mean harmonicity) can be extracted and saved to a spreadsheet.

I welcome suggestions for additional features!